Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Duck Dynasty

We are officially on the countdown!   We should begin hatching in 28 days!  Our eggs were placed in the incubator this morning.  We have to turn them twice a day and maintain a 100 degree temperature.  Today we took the feathered friend pledge with Dr. Patterson promising to take good care of our ducklings!  We will keep you posted!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Welcome Back!

     Welcome back!  I hope you had a wonderful spring break and were able to spend lots of time with you family.  It is hard to believe we only have about 7 weeks left!  This year has zipped by in the blink of an eye! 
     We are beginning our unit on egg hatching.  We will be researching all about how to hatch duck eggs and how to care for them after hatching.  This is always a fun time of year as we eagerly await our new arrivals.  We will be getting our eggs tonight and begin the incubation countdown tomorrow.  The students will be so excited and will be ready to tell you all about it! 
     We will be reading informational texts as we research egg hatching.  We will be identifying important features found in informational texts.  We will begin making our own informational book based on our egg hatching experience and research.   In math, we will be reviewing our unit on addition and subtraction before taking our assessment this week.  We will begin our new unit on measurement next.  In science, we will begin documenting the changes we notice in spring compared to winter. 
     Don't forget to check back to learn more about our egg hatching fun.