Tuesday, August 26, 2014

All About the Numbers 1-10

We will spend the next several weeks developing a deep understanding of the numbers 1-10.  In class, we are creating "all about the number" anchor charts to post around the room.  These anchor charts will remind students what each number looks like in various formats.  Students are also creating their own mini-anchor charts to put in their journals.  At the end of this unit, students should be able to show various ways to represent the numbers 1-10.  One way to extend the learning would be for your child to show you various ways to represent a number.  For instance, they may write the numeral 2, write the number word two, draw a picture of two objects, show two fingers, show two on a ten frame, draw two tally marks, or show two on a die or domino.  I am attaching our first two anchor charts for you to refer to as an example.  

We are focusing on the upper/lowercase letters a, t, m, & s and recognizing their sounds.  We are practicing blending these sounds together to build words.  We have also discussed three ways to read books: read the pictures, read the words, and retell the story.  We have read The Three Bears.   Can your child retell this story?  

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